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Flood of 2023 Archive

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Logging Equipment Picking Up Trash, Montpelier

A logging truck is employed to pick up trash on Main Street in downtown Montpelier, nine days after…

Logging Equipment Picking Up Trash, Montpelier, #2

A logging truck is employed to pick up trash on Main Street in downtown Montpelier, nine days after…

PuroClean Trucks, Montpelier

Trucks from the PuroClean company parked behind 83 Main Street.

Removing Drywall, Montpelier

A worker in a HazMat suit removed drywall from the Bailey Road display window at 75 Main Street.

Sign at Splash Naturals, Montpelier

A sign taped to the window at Splash Naturals at 67 Main Street, Montpelier.

Trash at State and Main, Montpelier, #1

Trash is piled on all corners at the intersection of State and Main Streets, nine days after the…

Trash at State and Main, Montpelier, #2

Trash is piled on Main Street looking south from the intersection of State and Main Streets.

Trash at State and Main, Montpelier, #3

Trash is piled in front of the stores along State Street nine days after the flood.

Temporary Post Office Boxes, Montpelier

Two USPS trucks in a parking lot at the Vermont College of Fine Arts where people who ordinarily…

Trash Piles at Cool Jewels, Montpelier

Trash occupies the sidewalk in front of the Cool Jewels store at the corner of State and Main…