Documenting the Flood of 2023
The Vermont Historical Society has created this site to document the Flood of 2023.
For nearly two centuries, the Vermont Historical Society has collected and documented the lives of Vermonters, and we are continuing to do so through this disaster and its aftermath. Please use this site to help us document this historic time in our state's history.
How You Can Help
Contribute your photographs, stories, poems, and videos of living through the flood of 2023 in Vermont. Show us your environment during and after the flood. What did you do to prepare? What kind of rebuilding efforts are you seeing in your community? What has changed in your neighborhood?
If you would like to make a sound recording, check out Vermont Folklife's Folklife in the Wake of a Natural Disaster webpage for advice on collecting audio documentation.
Another way you can help is by sharing this page on your local Front Porch Forum and encouraging your neighbors to submit materials. It is our hope that this archive will represent the varied experiences of Vermonters across the state.
Who We Are
The Vermont Historical Society (VHS), chartered in 1838, is a private, nonprofit organization that engages both Vermonters and “Vermonters at heart” in the exploration of our state’s rich history. We believe that an understanding of the past changes lives and builds better communities. We have two sites, the Vermont History Museum in Montpelier and the Vermont History Center in Barre that houses the Leahy Library. We sponsor educational programming, publish books, and create online resources.
If you have questions about this project please contact us at
Our Requirements
- The digital items you submit must be your own creation or be material that was broadly disseminated.
- You must be 18 years old or older or ask your parent/guardian to submit your work for you.
- You must have permission from your subjects, especially if they are children.
- You may choose to keep your submissions private on this site, but they will still be made available to researchers in the future.
You can read our full Terms and Conditions here.
Recently Added Items
Cambridge Village at the height of the flood

A scan of Cambridge Village, taken from the intersection of Railroad Street and South Main Street, late afternoon July 11, when the flood was right…
South Main Street, Cambridge, looking west

Cambridge Village, looking west from the intersection of Railroad Street with South Main Street