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Flood of 2023 Archive

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Cleaning Out Pavilion Basement, Montpelier

Crews from the contractor ServPro load trash from the basement of the Pavilion Building into a…

Couple on Barre Street, Montpelier

A couple walks amongst the piles of trash on Barre Street on Monday, July 17.

Disaster Response Trucks, Montpelier

Trucks from disaster response organizations line up in front of 160-162 Main Street.

Trash Piles, Franklin Street, Montpelier

Trash piled up in front of 14 Franklin Street (the historic Boutwell House) on Monday, July 17.

National Guard Vehicle, Montpelier

A National Guard vehicle parked in front of the Montpelier Recreational Center at 55 Barre Street.

Trash Piles, Northwest Corner, Spring and Elm Streets, Montpelier

Old windows, doors, signs and cans of paint removed from the basement of the building at 162 Elm…

Trash Piles, Southeast Corner, Spring and Elm Streets, Montpelier

Trash piled up at the southwest corner of Elm and Spring Streets on Monday, July 17.

Woodbelly Pizza Open, Montpelier

After emptying their flooded basement, the worker/owners of Woodbelly Pizza at 55 Barre Street…

Trash Piles Behind Blanchard Block, Montpelier

Trash piles waiting to be picked up behind the Blanchard Block nine days after the flood.

"Catch a Rainbow" Sign, Montpelier

A damaged sign in a trash pile on Main Street encourages people to "Catch a Rainbow."