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Flood of 2023 Archive

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Richmond: The Winooski River at the Iron Truss Bridge

Flooding caused the road to be closed and impassable as residents gathers to watch.

Flash flood on Farr Road

This video shows one angle of the flash flooding that occurred on Farr Road in Richmond on July…

Flood over Bridge Street in Richmond

Flooding on the round church side of the Richmond bridge on the morning of July 11, 2023.

Flooding in the Farr Farms fields

This video was taken from Huntington Road of the river-side fields of Farr Farms.

Pavilion Building, post-flood

The front of the Pavilion building in Montpelier, which hosts various government offices and the…

Debris on Main Street, Montpelier #2

Debris is piled up in front of the Capitol Copy at 32 Main Street, Montpelier, 13 days after the…

Debris on Main Street, Montpelier #1

Debris is piled up in front of the Savoy Theater (26 Main Street) and The Drawing Board (24 Main…

Knuckle Boom on Main Street, Montpelier #2

A piece of machinery known as a "Knuckle Boom," brought in from Indiana, clearing debris on Main…

Knuckle Boom on Main Street, Montpelier #1

A piece of machinery known as a "Knuckle Boom," brought in from Indiana, clearing debris on Main…

Peace Park Filled with Silt, Montpelier #3

The Peace Park in Montpelier, located between the bike path and the Winooski River, was filled with…