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Flood of 2023 Archive

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Montpelier Main Street during Evacuation Efforts

Montpelier Main Street on the afternoon of July 11th, during evacuation efforts

More Trash Piles, Elm Street, Montpelier

Trash piles as far as one can see lfrom the historic building at 155 Elm Street looking south.

More Trash Piles, Elm Street, Montpelier

Trash piles as far as one can see lfrom the historic building at 155 Elm Street looking south.

Morning after flood - Downtown Barre City

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Morning after flood - Downtown Barre City

Morning after flood - Downtown Barre City

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Morning after flood - Downtown Barre City

Morning after flood - Downtown Barre City

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Morning after flood - Downtown Barre City

National Guard Vehicle, Montpelier

A National Guard vehicle parked in front of the Montpelier Recreational Center at 55 Barre Street.

North Branch

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North Branch levels behind Shippee Eye Care on Main Street

North Branch from Langdon Street Bridge

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North Branch water level on July 10, 2023

North Branch Overflows

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Elm St to State Street flooding begins at 6:25pm