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Flood of 2023 Archive

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Peace Park Filled with Silt, Montpelier #1

The Peace Park in Montpelier, located between the bike path and the Winooski River, was filled with…

Housing Trailers for Emergency Workers

Trailers to proviode temporary housing for recovery workers parked behind the Department of Labor, 5…

Cleaning Capitol Plaza Parking Lot, Montpelier, #2

Workers cleaning off the parking lot surface behind the Capitol Plaza hotel at 100 State Street,…

Cleaning Capitol Plaza Parking Lot, Montpelier, #1

Workers cleaning off the parking lot surface behind the Capitol Plaza hotel at 100 State Street,…

Christ Church Parking Lot, Montpelier

The parking lot behind Christ Church at 64 State Street with debris, silt, and dehumidification…

Public Lot Filled with Silt and Emergency Trucks, Montpelier

The public parking lot at 60 State Street was covered with silt and used for parking by relief…

The Hub Resource Center, Montpelier

Montpelier Alive coordinated volunteer relief efforts from this central location, called "The Hub,"…

Wet Basement Truck, Montpelier

Many houses that were not impacted by flooding experienced severe wet basements.

Trash in Front of Unitarian Church, Montpelier

A large pile of trash awaits removal in front of the Unitarian Church of Montpelier.

Trash and Sign at Bethany Church, Montpelier

Trash fills the sidewalk in front of Bethany Church while a "Thank You Volunteers" sign flies from…