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Flood of 2023 Archive

Contribution Terms of Service

Terms of Service:

You are contributing your recollections, photographic images, PDFs, videos, and/or other media to the Vermont Historical Society (VHS) for an archive on the impact of the Flood of 2023 on the State of Vermont.  You represent and warrant that the material you submit listing your name as the creator was created by you and was not copied from or based, in whole or in part, upon any other photographic, literary, or other material. If you submit material created by others you represent that this material was widely distributed to the public for informational purposes in the aftermath of the Flood of 2023.

Your participation in this project will allow the general public, as well as future students and historians, to gain a greater understanding of this pandemic and our state's response to it. Your submission of material constitutes your permission for, and consent to, its non-exclusive dissemination and use in connection with the research and educational mission of the Vermont Historical Society in all media in perpetuity.

By agreeing to these terms you certify that you are 18 years of age or older.  By submitting the work of someone under 18 years old you are certifying that you are the parent or guardian of that child and give permission for the VHS to use that work under these Terms and Conditions. If your work includes the likeness of a child or an adult in a non-public setting you are also certifying that you have their permission or their guardian's permission to submit this image or video.

If you indicate on the form that your submission is “public,” your material may be published on the web (with or without your name, depending on what you have indicated) as part of the VHS's digital collections, exhibits or other media. Otherwise, your response will only be available to Library-approved researchers. Submitted material must not violate any confidentiality, privacy, security or other laws. We reserve the right to discard or mark private any submission that VHS staff identifies as offensive or irrelevant, or for any other reason within their professional judgment.


Note that this site collects email addresses in order to validate submissions. These addresses are not shared. In sharing your photo or story, i.e. making a contribution to this archive, be aware that we publish the fields "creator" and "contributor." If you want to personally remain anonymous please check the box "keep identity private."

Copyright & Takedown:

The project team has made the best effort to adhere to known intellectual property and privacy rights. Due to the nature of community-built, archival collections we are not always able to identify intellectual property and/or privacy information. We are eager to hear from any rights owners so that we may obtain accurate information. Please contact us to make corrections or to request removal of materials from public access.